Nagyboldogasszony Plébánia Nagyszénás
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Idegennyelven a templom története : Idegennyelven a templom története :Képtárak: Súgó



We lady Church's and a parsonage's short story

Nagyszénás name first Zsigmond king 1403. November grew on 23 in his deed of gift we may read it, Zenasegyháza mentions it on a name it letter. In this letter the Gyula lordships, between them hay one, Maróthi János Macsó donates it to a ban, then Mátyás gets into Corvin János possession by way of a king's grant in 1482 after the family becomes extinct, then in 1530 Czibak Imre  bishop of Nagyvárad possesses it, the Turkish finds his way onto his hand finally. From the church the first references the Szeged chamber prefecture's document in his documents legible 1719, was being built in Romanesque presumably from a church there is a word. This church was not already in the 1800 years, in this manner the Catholic faithful ones or onto Gádoros, or onto Orosháza going regularly to a mass was obliged. The then owner of the area the count a Károly family was Catholic, in this manner Károlyi Gyula the Czifra a chapel worked up in a castle, to which the permit Dr. Schlauch Lőrinc  bishop of Nagyvárad given. The chapel into saint György shelter it was recommended. Was for this chapel exspositus (affiliated) his clergyman, his hay first modern priest Toldy Péter chaplain, Franciscan feudal monk.

Departed from the parish in 1899 and Somogyi Alajos came to his place clergyman. At this time yet the Czifra service made in a chapel. He died in 1902 of his November, onto his place Derzsi Ádám a Franciscan father arrived. The problem occurred when the Károlyi possessions were divided up in 1907, it Júlia a countess got his share who did not want to maintain the chapel because of this Derzsi Ádám started a collection to a new church. The bishopric it was bribed with his help the smith in the marketplace's vicinity - house, and for a parsonage Kasza János –  house. On the deer road the with a 172 number (Hevesi) house, the walls of two of his rooms were pierced, and a chapel was worked up. In this chapel, the first mass was kept in 1908. 1913. September 15. –n the religious community forming assembly, Molnár János  parson of Orosháza  declares the parsonage's forming with his leadership, and elected the vestry. Deciding on 1914 the  a bishop of Nagyvárad  confirmed it its views. Derzsi Ádám retired in 1922 and onto his place Széchenyi Miklós  bishop of Nagyvárad, independent clergyman appoints Horváth József. He considers the buildings of a church his most important work, and since he is the plot singled out over proves to be small, because of this the one on the village's middle, garden constituting Schwarcz Lajos property the parish buys it. Horváth József departed from the village before the starting of the building operations directly. The mass of a farewell the czifrai said it in a chapel. Buday László Olivér was an Endrőd chaplain with the priesthood driving temporary trusting. 1925. September Molnár János begins in a rural dean's presence in the morning on 22 the building operations, which are new, god house meant to give for his hay folk. The church's foundation stone 1925. October it is put down on 18, which were united, I. with the initiation of a world war monument, on this feast József an archduke appeared. Nagyszénás parish has 5200 residents at this time, from this 2400 Catholics. The church Siegel Albin a Budapest architect, who Széchenyi Miklós is, plans it a bishop's plans plans. The founder document it is placed in the wall part behind the high altar. The church is ordained in 1926, but the equipment is collected yet before it. He does not manage to obtain bells simply unfortunately, but this castle for a long time. April the clergyman orders the first bell, which 50 are, on 3 kg-s and Loyolai prepares for St. Ignác respect. April 9-n it is ordered the 20 kg-s St. Ferenc bell. April on 30 the 190 kgs –s Nagyboldogasszony bell. All three bells are being made in Walsen Ferenc factory. St. Ignác A tuning, St. Ferenc D, Nagyboldogasszony C sharp.

The church's building: Zimmermann József, heyduck Sándor, Tóth Sándor, Biksán István, and Baki Antal in Orosháza I undertake it was made.

Buday clergyman 1926. July says goodbye on 18 hay híveitől, because it is placed. his successor arrives on 30 Pálóczy János. Onto the church's consecration 1926. August on 15, a row is found on Nagyboldogasszony day. Dr. Lindenberger János an apostolic governor blesses the bells and ordains the church. The church's high altar Csaklós András an altar constructor prepares it. The altarpiece Dinnyés Ferenc a Szeged painter prepares it, 1927. March onto 1. The electricity is installed in the church in 1930. 1939. September on 18 Dr. Sajó Lajos head physician an donates 638 kg bells to the church. The church's first organ is bought in 1944 it Orosháza from a church. Aranyi Imre takes it over in 1945, the parsonage's leadership. In 1947 Mindszenthy cardinal a primate put a visit into the village. The so far priesthood rises in 1949 onto a parsonage rank. Recovers in 1951 in the garden the lourdes-i cave, into which from the Szeged convent saved Maria a sculpture is found. It is bribed in 1969 it new two manuals organ, after the old one was sold. From 1971 1976 the church is resumed. Aranyi Imre says goodbye in 1988 c. abbot, parson 43-évi after a ministerial service the nagyszénási from faithful ones, who Boldvai Antal a parson delegates, Szujó Antal relays him then, who entirely 2006 his parson for the village.


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